May 27, 2010

Cheating – The ultimate way of fooling one-self (Part 4)

Finally looking at the positive side, there is a ray of hope emerging from the narrow and dark tunnel. The examples are

Hindustan Lever Limited: This premier company believes so much in ethics and in moral values that any person fudging even a petty travel bill or borrowing from the distributor is frowned upon. It is simply not done at all. The offender is simply sacked from service. He/she would never in his lifetime would serve HLL again.

Cheating when attending interviews: Many blue chip companies allow the students who have been selected for the final interview the freedom to travel by 2nd A/C to the corporate head quarters. Many students book the 2nd A/C tickets, take a photo copy and cancel the A/C ticket. Subsequently they would purchase a 2nd class sleeper ticket and travel. They would submit the 2nd A/C photo copy at the time of reimbursement. Their reward - a paltry sum of may be 1000 to 1500/- rupees.

Unknown to them a clerk of the concerned company would have visited the railway station and would have checked whether the candidate has travelled by 2nd class sleeper or 2nd A/C. The company would happily pay a cheating candidate his 2nd A/C claim. They would be relieved that they have got away with only 1000 or 1500/- rupees loss. The company would not touch such a person with a barge pole – especially a candidate who cheated at the very first instance. It is as if they are saying good riddance to bad rubbish.

Universities of USA: keeping the rampant increase in trying to cheat, the American universities have started allowing critical formulae to be carried into the examination hall. The emphasis is not on cramming one’s brain with formulae or rote memory but on application based learning. But if found cheating or copying the student have to forfeit the entire course.

Gamesmanship need not always mean sledging: The case of Steve Waugh in the 1996 cricket world cup is very illuminating. Hershelle Gibbs at the forward short leg drops Steve Waugh’s catch. Steve immediately reminds him “Son you have just dropped the world Cup “. Equally interesting is the case of Sadagopan Ramesh Vs Allan Mullalay of England. Ramesh is continuously playing and failing to connect the ball. Allan Mullalay goes up to Ramesh and politely enquires if he is looking for a career in fishing! Nice men also win.

The advertisement of Royal Challenge also touches the heart. Two friends are playing basketball. One of the friends has his son watching him play. His friend graciously allows the father to win the game. The look on the beaten man says it all. You need not win at all times. Some times you could lose and win too. What a beautiful sentiment.

Wrapping up let us end with a famous saying,




Lets us not forget the last line includes self that is ourselves. Let’s us not try to cheat ourselves. That would really be a crying shame.

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