March 29, 2024

Indira's Rasam advertisement - Racist and Sexist


It is a very racist and sexist advertisement. It says "If you are a North Indian wife, you just need a minute to make rasam, with our Indira rasam powder you can make Ghuma Ghuma Lade rasam (piping hot rasam) in few seconds". 

This ad on this Karnataka bus had gone viral. the advertisement assumes that if a South Indian husband has a North Indian wife, she does not know how to make rasam, a South Indian dish, 

Basically, that is the crux of the matter. The statement smacks of gender discrimination, there is regional philosophy that rasam is south Indian, north Indians cannot cook southern dishes, that southern men should not marry north Indian girls and, that if they do, they should forget their favourite south Indian dishes, give up on their main dishes, southern dishes are better than northern dishes, etc. At best such promotions should be avoided.  

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