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May 22, 2021

Yamma Soda Point - Commonsense is not Common!

 First published on Facebook on 29th March 2021

Sometimes nothing can beat real life. Found a "Yamma Soda Point". For the uninitiated Yama is the god of death and Yamma sounds like a Telugu curse word. So what is the mystery?


Vijay Arjun Veeravalli: It is "Yummy" I think 🤔

Anil Ramesh: Good guess!

Surendranath Uma: Wife name may be jayamma .....

Anil Ramesh: You got it Umakka, you are the second, Dr. Kota was the first to get it correct.

Kn Srinath: Anil Ramesh Its something akin to my childhood story where one listener of radio says that he heard a news "కప్ప పాము ని చంపేను"... whereas original news is వెంకప్ప పాముని చంపెను.

Hareesh Rebelli: Maybe an image of 1 person and text that says 'MBA CHAIN MBA CHAI WALA India's Most Iconic Chai Wala Franchise Outlet'

 Anil Ramesh: Why not MBAs should be ready for anything. Dignity of Labour!

 Anil Ramesh: Like the hero in the book "Starbucks saved my life" says 'If one is asked to be the restroom cleaner, prove to be the best restroom cleaner of the world'

Bhagyalakshmi Bhagya: abba Uma entha correct ga guess chesindi

Common Sense is not Common - 15 minutes of Fame - Krispycreme Vs AtilisGym!

First published on Facebook on 26th March 2021

When Krispykreme started giving free donuts for getting CoVid vaccination shots, AtilisGym is giving away free membership for all who don't get the vaccination. The reason "they believe in health - the real way - exercise, good diet, plenty of vitamin D, and an environment to de-stress".

While the intention is appreciable, the path is questionable. Encouraging people not to take vaccination is downright outrageous especially in a country where 3.5 crore people are infected and 5.65 lakh people have died due to the pandemic. 

This reminds me of the concept  "15 minutes of fame which is short-lived media publicity or celebrity or an individual or phenomenon". 

The expression was inspired by Andy Warhol's words "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes"


Na Cheez Anta - Amul Cheese Telugu Advertisement - Lost in Translation - Translation blunder!

 First published on Facebook on 20th March 2021

This advertisement was really funny, I want Hindi readers to comment (Clue the key word's meaning in Urdu), of course, Hyderabad being quite urdu dominant many Telugu speaking Hyderabad friends too might get it. As they say devil is in detail!


Kartik Godavarthi: Is it “Idi naachee(z)se anta” sir?

Anil Ramesh: Yes, Kartik Godavarthi. Idi naa cheese sounds like Naacheez in Urdu meaning worthless! Goodone.

Vasundhara Nanjappa: Before posting an advertisement, lots of homework has to be done as India is a country of many languages. Your view is correct.

 First published on Facebook on 9th March 2021

As usual a hard-hitting and thought-provoking post (hopefully). 

I will take you back to 2004, 17 years ago. I was working as a faculty member at Bahirdar University, Ethiopia. In those days having a landline phone was a big thing and my house owner got us a new connection.

It was a very happy day for us and the telephone installation staff came and carried out the installation and pesto we had a landline connection. Oh yes, it was a great deal and a grand feeling. 

At the end of the installation, I got an installation bill. It was 83 birr and 15 Centimes (roughly Rs 415). I gave him 85 birrs and casually said, "keep the change". I meant he could keep the rest as a tip or bakshish! 

The English-speaking,  installation Engineer's grinning face changed ashen. He was wrestling with some great emotions. He turned and left the house, leaving all his equipment behind. We were shocked.

We were non-plussed and did not understand what was happening. The Engineer was back after 15 minutes. He handed me lots of coin-change. 

He said, "Count the change". Eating humble pie, I counted and it was exactly, 1 birr and 85 centimes. 

With a contemptuous look, he took his equipment and stalked out of our house, leaving us thunderstruck.

The custom in India is exactly the reverse. Tip or baksheesh is not voluntary, it is seen as a right. It is demanded and extracted, violently if needed. 

Festivals in India are an occasion to demand and get mamools. Many 3rd and 4th class employees extract mamools. Some even have collection books in which the "voluntary contribution" is already filled in. One simply, may I add meekly is supposed to pay up, sign, and bear with it! 

The employees who have elevated the tip collection to a fine art are the gas cylinder delivery boys of the petroleum giants namely HPCL, IOCL, and BPCL. 

The delivery boys add 30 to 40 rupees extra apart from the bill and collect the extra money, if needed, forcefully. 

Most customers pay up fearing the repercussions from the all-powerful gas agency and the delivery boys. What happens if a braveheart objects to paying? The customer is abused, the delivery boys would say "we would take back the gas cylinder", and rude behaviour would follow. 

Sometimes things get out of hand as it happened yesterday at our next-door apartment block. Words were exchanged and the delivery boys picked up stones and stick to attack the residents and the watchman! 

We intervened and the matter blew over. The point is all of us are responsible for such behaviour from the gas delivery boys. We meekly give 30 to 40 rupees extra and this would mean 3,000 to 4,000/- rupees extra at the end of the day (on delivery of 100 cylinders per day, which is possible). 

So the delivery boys, usually two in number and the driver pocket a cool  1,000/- extra per day. That is 25,000/- rupees extra apart from their salary. That is not something to be ignored. Maybe gas agency officials know about these dealings but never take action. No wonder the delivery boys insist on the extra payment. Their tips are much more than their salary itself!


Shakuntala Kuchibhotla: Interesting travelogue.....I like when you write about people, culture, etc. Usual sightseeing places anyone can write. But the way you wrote is interesting. Did you read Bil Bryson's travelogues? I like them a lot. He writes about the whole culture.

Anil Ramesh: Thanks Shakuntala Kuchibhotla aunty, huge compliment and you made my day. My forte, I believe is people and people watching. This is what I learned from Desmond Morris, one of my favourite non-fiction writers. Will catch up with Bil Bryson.

Patrick Anthony: Anthe silk kuthir Minn Ale. I used to get confused with a few words like silk for telephone, Usha for dog.

Muralidharprasad Ayaluru: Sir it is true. I had a tough time with the gas delivery boy. And my brother-in-law also faced problems with the gas delivery boys. I understood even the Gas dealer also take a share out of it ( I don't have full information)

Anil Ramesh: Sure sir, this post is garnering good traction. Many are reporting malpractices. The rate in Bangalore, I am told is Rs 100/- per cylinder.

 Patrick Anthony: Part 2 Birr Ellam Ato. PROF

Anil Ramesh: Every post need not be Ethiopian, used Ethiopia as a Simily. If you want to read my experiences about Ethiopia catch it on my blog, Patrick Anthony

Leaving Social Media - Please do - You will not miss anything nor will you be missed!

 First published on Facebook on 4th March 2021

Yuvraj Singh said today that he will totally go off social media. Good for him, I too left Facebook (in a huff) during the "Free basics" controversy (I am not active in any other social media platforms except Whatsapp). Of course, I kept blogging.

It was a refreshing change. I kept away from Facebook for a year and it was a great experience, I did not miss anything, did not miss anybody and dare say that not many missed me either. Life goes on.

So why did I return? I use Facebook as my digital diary and it is a repository of my feelings and my pennings for the day. Many a time, I simply post it and make it totally private. It is for my further reference. Yes many times I do post publicly too  and dare say that my postings are well received. 

Did anyone force me to return? Did anyone put a gun to my forehead? Nothing of that sort. I returned on my own sweet will, was back to basics freely (pun intended)!. 

Social media is "narcissitic" by nature.  People preen and all types of glory stories are put up. They are like war stories, stories  in which we are always the heroes. Facebook is for nice snaps, happy vacations, posting marriage and anniversary snaps and to show that we are happy with ourselves, our achievements, awards, rewards, showoff nice looking snaps of ourselves (photo editing and morphing tools help ofcourse)  and to show that we are happy with the world. 

Very rarely is sadness, misery or misfortune broached upon, forget even being mentioned. Social media is an addiction and it is in other words for people like Salman Khan, "I, Me, and Myself" and the world be damned. It is what the Americans are fond to say "belly grazing". 

So celebrities and non celebrities go ahead and go off social media. It is well worth it. You will not miss anything and dare I say you will not be missed either. Life goes on. It went on for so many years without social media, which is hardly decade and a half old! (365).

Covid Pandemic - Malayalam Movies make Merry as Telugu Film makers flounder dishing out run of the mill Films!

 First published on Facebook on 28th February 2021

CoVid pandemic has definitely changed the way we watch movies. Gone are the days of mega movies, fanfare, and first-day first show! 

The fulcrum of viewing had shifted to the viewers and what they like and see are very different from what was watched in the cinema halls. 

Content is the king and movies from Malayalam, Tamil, and Kannada film industry are ruling the roost and the poor Telugu industry had fallen behind and appears like fish out of water. 

The best movies are from the above three languages. The movies are slick, short, well narrated and mostly do not have irritating comedy tracks, and last for roughly two hours. 

Topically made with great locales, tight budgets, and riveting screenplay, they are apt for the OTT audience. For example, Malayalam movies are made with tight budgets and succeed in breaking even or make decent profits on tight movie budgets.

In contrast, Telugu movies are caught in the time warp. They still harp on old stories, have inflated budgets, inevitably have either old heroes or their many children, brothers, brother's children, brother-in-law's children, sister's children as heroes. 

Also, most Telugu movies have jaw grating silly comedy and sillier songs. They go overboard in all aspects and tend to be too larger than life, In short, they are suited for large movie screens. 

They appear outdated and many OTT viewers are shifting to other languages.  Wake up Telugu film Industry. 


Krishna Panyam: Probably true, so a useful thing to do is to find and promote the better Telugu movies. I am sure there are one or two, which are lost in the mess.

Suba V G: Very disappointing to see MASALA CRAVING TELUGU producers!! They have no clue. Of what viewers need. Hardly any Telugu producers take survey !! Or feedback.

Rashmi D Rao: Well observed sir. I agree. The comedy level is so poor, even the comedy shows that are telecasted on TV aren't good at all. They portray double meaning poor jokes, men turning into women, badly dressed and they call it entertainment. Some movies are really good but they aren't promoted well.

IPL auctions or Cattle being sold - The sordid saga of Cricketers sold as Cattle!

First published on Facebook on 19th February 2021

IPL Auctions 2021

Too much hype and too much money paid for foreign players! At least some of the franchisees will end with an egg on their face!14.5 crores for Maxwell, 1 crore for Umesh Yadav, and no buyers for Hanuma Vihari! What a bloody joke!


Qutub Mohd Khaja: Black money

Manya Nagaraja: Booming post-Corona economy!! Money, in a poor country, seems to have no value.( haves- have nots gap is unimaginable, even amongst best IPL players 1625 -20 lakhs)  Raju, as a marketing expert, can you pl explain how they (franchise Co) recover or make money, in brief.

Anil Ramesh: Manya Nagaraja sure bava give me some time, will respond by tomorrow!

Manya Nagaraja: You must write an article on this. IPL entrepreneurship - a cost-benefit analysis.

Aditya Sunkara: Especially when Maxwell has proven to be a 'dud' purchase in the past... And Chris Morris has been a useful all-rounder for Delhi, but he is now a bit past his peak.. 16.25 Cr for him will definitely blowback.

Worst of all, SRH, being a Hyderabad-based franchise has not really found a local player who can bring stability but an import from the owner's homeland... Vijay Shankar and Kedar Jadhav are not at all the answer for their middle-order balance...

Anil Ramesh: Manya Nagaraja bava, I will try to explain and that too briefly. IPL is all about money and it is the sixth most-watched event in the world.

The size of the Indian market means that it attracts enormous eyeballs (attention) and money through sponsorship deals, advertisements, and other ways of making money (deals, events, shows, celebrity events, acting as chief guests for shop openings, etc) and gate receipts of people coming to watch the matches.

There are rumors that a lot of betting goes on. Ten years ago the amount per match was Rs 5,000/- crores.

Some say up to a tune of Rs 50,000/- to 1,00,000/- crores are being bet on each match all over the world. In a true sense, it is a parallel economy in itself!

The 45 - 50 days of IPL means a lot of advertisements and sponsorship deals for the team owners. All franchisees are cash-rich and get tremendous publicity from the players and also get sponsorship deals from other corporates.

Gate receipt money and the attraction of winning the IPL is another lure!

Coming to the money that is paid, it is demand and supply. Players like Pujara and Vihari are seen as test specialists and don't have many takers.

Actually speaking, Indians have to get more bids as 7 Indians can play to 4 overseas players in the playing eleven.

But auctions are like chess games and teams sometimes bid and pick up a player simply to deny some other team, a player whom they actually don't need but does not want their opponent to have!

For example, KKR wanted to buy Krishappa Gautham but CSK beat both and bought him at 9.5 crores only because SRH wanted him and quite desperately too.

Some players are bought as back up and 2 crores for Kedar Jadav and 1.5 crores for the Afghan spinner is a good buy for SRH!

There is no guarantee that IPL auctions are fair. There is a possibility that they could be fixed.

Foreign players like Maxwell keep failing but still get fancy sums. Chris Morris is good but not at 15.5 crores.

And bava, players actually don't get the entire amount. 30-35% goes as tax, the team management keeps some amount and respective boards also get money.

That is why England and Australia toe the line as far as IPL is concerned. It is their money gravy train. All is all we can expect the foreign players to only get 50% of the auctioned amount.

Also bava, the usual auctions are for 3 years and expect the teams to retain the players for three years and pay the players a third of the amount per year.

If the players don't perform they are thrown back into the auction pool next year and the price goes down.

For example, Steve Smith went down from 10.5 crores to just 2 crores.

National sentiment play a role and except for big-ticket players like Maxwell, the rest of the Aussie players were simply ignored by the franchisees.

This type of bidding leads to jealousy and, imagine Umesh Yadav and Gowtham. Umesh at Rs 1 crore and Gowtham at 9.25 crores and Shah Rukh Khan at 4.5 crores.

Umesh has played for India and the other two are uncapped but get almost 10 and 5 times what poor Umesh Yadav gets.

And Vihari gets s to play at a maximum 4-5 test matches in a year and we expect Umesh and Vihari to spill blood while a young Shah Rukh Khan gets 4.5 crores. This is a lopsided way of judging players and their calibre.

Sincerely hope that Gowtham and Shah Rukh Khan perform and perform at their best. The one shining example of a player coming through the IPL ranks to the national team is that of Natarajan who went from SRH to play in all three formats for the Indian cricket team.

And the life of the highest-paid players is a life of misery. The sword of Damocles hangs on the head that too in this edition of IPL. They better perform at the highest level or their teams will throw them to the wolves, release them and their value goes down!

All eyes will be on Maxwell, Morris, and Jamieson. Sometimes the weight of expectations might be a load too much to bear!

Bava, many times "I scratch your back you scratch my back" also exists. Sachin Tendulkar is a vital clog in the Mumbai Indians team and is very close to the Reliance group. Thus it was not at all surprising that Arjun Tendulkar gets picked for the base price of Rs 20 lakhs.

Most probably he will be the net bowler, and if at the end of the season, the team is comfortably placed at the table, might even get to play a match even though Mumbai Indians have a star-studded team.

Manya Nagaraja: Raju, ( known in our circle), excellent write-up. Made an interesting reading. Some were unknown.

Anil Ramesh: Manya Nagaraja, thank you bava.

Titillating Advertisements - Subliminal Advertising - FCUK!

 First published on Facebook on 12th February 2021

Oft repeated phrase, "it is all about money, honey". Movies (at least some of them) are all about titillation which tries to appeal to basic instincts. 

This movie with a name that was quite a mouthful conveniently shortened it to read FCUK! Check out the visual part, we can read it another way! 

That is a gimmick! Readers who want to know how people fool with the mind can check out "Subliminal advertising" on Google and on YouTube.

Stereotypes in Advertising - Horlicks Telegu Advertisement

 First published on Facebook on 1st February 2021

Horlicks Telugu Advertisement ( advertisement starts after 15 seconds)

A wise adman once remarked "watching television commercials is the maximum fun viewers can have with their clothes on". Not allowing your imagination to run wild, let us, deep-dive, into today's musing! 

I have just watched the Horlicks commercial about a lady stuck on a highway with a flat tyre. Her husband is at home but she is stuck on a highway that too at midnight along with two daughters.

Anxiety is eating her and she is unable to call anyone. Her teenage daughter jumps into action. She takes the car's Jack and starts to change the tyre much to the shock and admiration of her mother. 

So far so good. Just as the action is unfolding, a warning crawlie appears on the bottom of the scene "action performed under experts supervision, please don't imitate" the dangerous action performed!!!!

"Changing of a car tyre using a car jack". How does it become dangerous, your guess is as good as mine. Dangerous as a GIRL is performing it????

Don't shoot the messenger. The innocuous message might be the handiwork of a freshly appointed  Advertising Executive trying to play safe! Happy watching.

Small Caveat: the crawlie does not appear in the Hindi commercial. It appears only in the Telugu and Kannada version of the commercial that is telecast on popular television channels, in this case "Gemini Comedy"

Look Before You Leap - Myntra and the Logo Change!

First published on Facebook on 31st January 2021

Myntra is in news for all the wrong reasons. Some people have found its logo objectionable. And Myntra was forced to work on its logo with a huge outlay of investments in money and effort.

Without taking sides, it is a lesson for all especially for entrepreneurs about the perils of public discourses about their logos and publicity material and the resultant vigilante activism.

Most smirked when it was reported that the CEO of Eastman company spent a fortune to find a word that does not mean anything (positive, negative, vulgar, offensive, hurting religious sentiments) in any world language. 

And the word finally used by Eastman company "Kodak" does not mean anything in any language. So companies be careful about what you say, what you show and what it means. Each element in the public domain can come back and bite, may I add viciously!


Aparna Vishwanath: One more case study👍

Anil Ramesh: True, life is full of case studies.

Patrick Anthony: Perception by a Consumer, five years after launch. Adds to the list of Communication mistakes.

Rajkumar Selvaraj: Now anything with M will be looked upon with avarice...but tell me what about the alphabet M? Should we remove it??

Being on the Button - Celebrity Endorsements

First published on Facebook on 15th January 2021

Companies have to tune into the present and keep responding to changes as they happen. 

First, it was Kinley's advertisement where Saurav Ganguly's daughter is advising her father to drink more water (albeit mineral water), to get over his illness. 

Not to be outdone Walkmate is airing its advertisement with Ravichandran Ashwin. Ashwin is injured and he needs to get well and what better to wear, than a comfy Walkmate! Wow.


L.K.Sandeep:  Sir, Huggies has some advice for Virat too...😀

Anil Ramesh: Good

Rohini Pisupati: Gosh, yes crossed my mind when I saw that Walkmate ad today. Also, does the general public still believe that the likes of Ashwin wear Walkmate?

Anil Ramesh: The celebrities don't and that is how the advertising pie crumbles, do you think that filmstars really use Lux soap or that calorie-conscious Salman Khan drinks Thums Up. They don't but make us believe that they do use the products they endorse, power of Persuasion, Rohini Pisupati. BTW, does it sound like a lecture at CBIT!

 Rohini Pisupati: Been a while on that side of the classroom, so I don't mind.

Perils of Celebrity Endorsements.

 First published in Facebook on 5th January 2021

Perils of having a celebrity endorsing the company and its products! First, it was Tiger Woods and now it is Saurav Ganguly. 

Many marketing gurus think that celebrity endorsements bring in quick eyeballs, instant recognition, and a chance to bask in the celebrity's goodwill and charisma. 

But they forget that the reverse could be true too. The negatives and the bad publicity can stick to the brand and to the products. 

Products and services having Tiger Woods as a celebrity endorser realized the same to their horror when he was embroiled in a huge controversy and they all had to beat a hasty retreat. 

Similarly, Products endorsed by Aamir Khan also were on a sticky wicket when he too got involved in issuing controversial statements. 

The latest victim of the celebrity endorsement saga is Fortune oil, touting to be safe for the heart. The celebrity endorser, none other than dada Sourav Ganguly the darling of the cricket masses with or without his shirt. 

Saurav Ganguly suffering a mild heart attack was like a punch in the solar plexus and the company was forced to withdraw the campaign featuring Dada! Such are the perils of Celebrity endorsements. "To do or not to do".


Gopi Reddy: Classic example of brand ambassador destroying brand snap deal which was lost in the air after endorsing Aamir Khan and controversial comments made by him which affected snap deal

Anil Ramesh: True already mentioned in my post Gopi Reddy

Soumya Mohapatra: The other thing I found amusing was...the choice of celebrity for an Ad. I can understand Virat endorsing "Boost" as he is an elite Athlete himself. I don't understand how Sharukh Khan promoting BYJUs or Hrithik promoting White Hat Jr. Is relevant? I am not sure if these guys completed their education properly. Why would a parent get inspired by that and enroll their child into that program?

 Anil Ramesh: Very true Soumya Mohapatra it leads to a crisis of credibility. The believability of the expertise of the so-called expert who happens to be a celebrity.

 Srinivas Darbha: It is boring to see the same faces so much. Some ads have new faces which make it interesting to watch the ads. I never buy anything just because X or Y endorsed it. I make my choice based on brand and reviews


May 16, 2021

Life imitating academic thought process or academic thought process imitating life

First published on Facebook on 31st December 2020.

"Life imitating academic thought process or academic thought process imitating life"

The jury is out there but the noble "fortune at the bottom of the pyramid" theory propagated by Prof C.K.Prahalad is often cited as an example of how paisas and rupees can be used to built a business fortune. In simple words it shows how the poorest of the poor can too become a source of business opportunity.
According to a report today in Deccan Chronicle the loan lending apps have done a whopping 1.4 crore transactions worth 21,000 crores. Mind blogging figure and each transaction is worth Rs 15,000/-.
Most people were given a loan worth Rs 3,000/-. That is an astonishing return of 400%. I can bet that no Harvard, Stanford, ISB or IIMs teach such financial management skills. This is what they don't teach in a B-School!

Coca-Cola Bharatanatyam Advertisement - Common sense is not Common!

First Posted on Facebook on 27th December 2020!

The latest Coco-Cola advertisement is a big letdown, especially as it comes from a company that is made spreading happiness it's credo and whose advertisements always touched the hearts.

The latest advertisement depicts a group of Bhartnatyam dancers (all nubile pretty young girls) practicing.

Suddenly they hear some noises (being polite) and they all scamper out. They witness a western hop dance practice session. And the instructor, none other than Rishi Kapoor's son aka RKS (that is how I recognize him).

There is a break and RKS takes out a coke and guzzles it. And there is adequate skin and abs show. The Bhartnatyam girls go "ga ga". The byline "turn up the day"

What the heck, Coke what is this advertisement all about? Why the Bharatanatyam girls? Does it mean that Bhartnatyam learning girls are all old-fashioned and staid!

And what is the connection? Why Bharatnatyam, is it because of pretty colours and costumes. And why should the girls ogle the instructor?

Come on Coca-Cola, this creative looks as if were thought and executed out of a toilet seat by a team suffering from acute constipation!

Fight between Haves and Havenots - A battle for Survival!

First Posted on Facebook on 16th December 2020!

The riot at the WINSTRON iPhone manufacturing facility in Karnataka, India is a huge wake-up call. It is the culmination of the differences between the haves and the have-nots.
Elaborating on the point, the employees are alleging that they were not paid salaries for three months, and what were they making? Apple iPhone the iconic and most sought-after brand in the world.
Imagine the mental agony these employees must have gone through. They are making the most iconic product in the world and they don't have money to have two square meals.
Not for a second is anyone condoning the riots. Pause and think, the company is claiming losses of Rs 470 crores worth of iPhones.
A back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that @70,000/- each would amount to a whopping 67,000 + I phones inventory that was held by WINSTRON!
The point of the matter is when you can hold inventory worth Rs 470 crores, why cant the company pay the workers' wages?
This reminded me of a song that the RSU, PDSU student Unions used to sing at Nizam college during our graduation days " సిగరెట్టు చేసేటోడా సిగరెట్టు నీకు లేదా".
Roughly translated it means "O Cigarette worker, you make the cigarettes for the world but you yourself cant smoke it". It was sung as a tribute to the workers of VST and other cigarette-making companies in Andhra Pradesh. It appears as if nothing has changed over the years.
If it was cigarettes in the 70s and the 80s it is cellphones, iPhone no less! Workers continue to get exploited.
But that is only one part of the story. Just like CoVid - 19 has shown, things can change and they can change rapidly. The have-nots will also get a chance and once they get it, the table can change swiftly. Two incidents that showed the power of have nots albeit only for a short duration.
In 2013 The state of Uttarakhand was ravaged by flash floods and many tourists were caught napping and were stranded in various tourist locations in and around Uttarakhand. Totally cut off from the digital world, their mobile phones, the internet, and google proved to be useless. They were like fish out of the water, gasping for air!
The locals were exploited by the tourists who played one hotel against the other by demanding lower prices and got cut-throat rates. The locals extracted their pound of flesh. The locals' cooly demanded and got what they wanted - exorbitant rates for the services that were suddenly in short supply.
The locals charged Rs 1,500/- for two rotis, a little dal, and a bottle of water. A biscuit pack was sold at Rs 250/- and a bottle of water was Rs 100/-. It was the vengence of the have-nots.
The same was repeated by the boatsmen of Kurnool. Kurnool suffered severe flooding in 2009. The boatsmen plying their boats in the city of Kurnool demanded Rs 2,000/- to Rs 5,000/- per person to ferry people across the street to safety. When the hapless stranded citizens pleaded with the boatmen, they cooly demanded that the ladies part with their mangalsutra! Such can be the fury of the have-nots.
A revolutionary writer once wrote " it is the kind-heartedness of the have-nots that is making the lives of the haves cushy. If the have-nots of India were to spit collectively the spit alone would sweep all the haves into the Bay of Bengal" Strong words but certainly, they should make us all think and ponder, at least for a few minutes!

Cadbury And Spotify advertisements, Common sense is not common!

 First posted on Facebook on 12th December 2020. 

The latest advertisement for Cadbury Chocolate left me bemused. The chocolates for the grown-ups!

At 18 one is supposed the be grown up. The 47-year-old Aishwarya Rai is the model! At this rate at 60, she will be an adult and middle-aged at 85!

Find the Bollywood obsession with age or rather trying to hide their real age quite silly.

We have Anil Kapoor 63 years old and Nagarjuna 61-year-old playing 40-45-year-old father's role in Spotify ads. Quite fascinating.
The worst part of the charade was 61-year-old Nagarjuna calling Gangavva who at 58 is four years younger than him avva!

Observation - The best way to learn!

 First Posted on Facebook on November 28th, 2020

Snap clicked at Miyapur Metro Station

The child is the father of the man. Being simple is the most complex thing in life. I keep telling students and don't know how much is internalized.
Some of the gratest things are very simple and many a times those simple things are taken for granted.
One thing I propogate and practice is the art of observations. Observe, learn and get inspired. After all imitation is best form of flattery!
I think I am a great observer when it comes to matters dealing with marketing. Another person with a keen eye to obseve and comment is Dr. Madhusudan Kota who for reasons only known to himself has become social media shy!
I came across this wonderful product, what is this product and why is the Marketer/ marketing teacher in me, so excited? First person to give a logical answer will be acknowledged.
Clue: 1913 is not time. The time is 1745 now!
Okay closing the game now, Bhaskar Nandula Chaithanya Muppavarapu Saibaba Sathyanarayanan, Kedar Kedareshwar and Rajeev Ranjan came up with excellent answers. Incidentally two of them are my colleagues and the other three are my students of Siva Sivani Institute of Management.
I really don't blame anyone for not getting exactly what I have in my mind because, I am sure that you don't use metro as frequently as I do (even in the prevailing pandemic times).
The biggest pain point is getting scanned and initially it was scary to get a forehead scan. Later it became a back of the hand affair.
A brilliant marketer married marketing with mandated action by combining footfall analysis with temperature scanning. What a great concept! 1913 is the number of travellers who have used Miyapur metro service today from the morning
I am not done, why not a small dash of sanitiser once the scan is done and why not a small printout with the temperature!
Why can't the printout carry a small ad of Dettol or any other company and why not use the LED panel to advertise health related services like diagnostic centres, sky is the limit!
Think on friends, every problem could be a curtain and a marketing opportunity might be lurking behind it.
Usually footfall analysis details are secretive and any one with analytical brain can get valuable data by simply visiting metro stations at the end of the day. Students could even get data on am hourly basis, so much free gyan!

India Vs Australia Cricket series

First Posted on Facebook on 26th November 2020.

I started teaching way back in 1997 and my first assignment was with CBIT, Hyderabad. At that time, I performed pantomime in the class when I wanted to explain advertisements for my session in Marketing, especially in my sessions of Integrated Marketing Communications. Advertisements at that time were difficult to bring to the class and were not available like they are now, on tap on YouTube.

Of course, the students liked my pantomime and always remarked that the sessions were memorable. Marketing teachers nowadays are lucky. They can bring in the latest advertisements thanks to YouTube and can make the sessions that much more interesting.

I just saw the India Vs Australia cricket tour promotion and frankly, it was overboard and unnecessarily jingoistic. The advertisements stick out like a sore thumb and the chest-thumping machismo that the advertisement depicts is in stark contrast to what the series is all about.

The series is being seen as a thank you gift from the BCCI to Cricket Australia. Cricket Australia conveniently postponed the T20mworld cricket cup and the cancellation/postponement led to BCCI holding the cash-rich IPL in UAE.

So instead of the thanks what do the Australian cricket board get? A chest-thumping overboard advertisements which even dragged in the Covid – 19 fighters to promote the series. Talk about crash cheesiness! And the advantage of YouTube is that one can browse and try to see how the Australian media is projecting the same cricket series in Australia.

Even though I could not get my hand on any advertisements that talk about the forthcoming India Vs Australia cricket series, I could get my hands on a pretty funny advertisement. It features Veeru paaji (Veerendra Shewag) and Mathew Hayden.

I don't want to spoil the fun. Watch India vs Australia advertisements of Sony Six first and watch the Veeru paaji and Mathew Hayden advertisements later. You will be tickled pink!

First watch this advertisement

Then watch this advertisement

kellog Becomes Desi - The power of Market place!

First posted on Facebook on November 23rd, 2020

What a joke - Amma cheti (mother's recipe) Upma. Really Kellogg! This smacks of opportunism. And at a level, deeply thought-provoking too.

Kellogg came to India, chest-thumping and with a lot of swagger. They had conquered the world and India was supposed to be another notch on their gun, a conquest to be savoured.
Kellogg the market leader of breakfast food in the world thought that they would capture India just as easily as they conquered the US and Europe. Yes, the bland breakfast habits of the Europeans and the Americans were easy to break.
Basking in confidence Kellog made grand plans, it pooh-poohed the Indian breakfast menu. The promotion was clear "your breakfast is not good, not healthy, not nutritious and the positioning was 'ME ONLY"!

The Indian homemaker did not like the assault on their sanctum santorium -the kitchen. They royally snubbed the MNC!
Eating humble pie, Kellogg tried out Indian versions of the cornflakes and changed to a reconciliatory "ME TOO" positioning. Eat whatever you want but please eat Kellogg too!
Even that does not seem to have worked. So if you can't fight them, join them seems to be Kellogg's motto.
They have started selling Indian breakfast items and have zeroed in on the humble upma. Now the positioning is "Try me along with many others".
This is surprising. With all its efforts Kellogg would have created a hard-core loyal customer base (niche maybe).
There is a danger that even that customer base might shy away from Kellog. They bought Kellogg as it is an aspirational product. And Kellogg is selling Upma now. Appears Kellog is caught between a stone and a hard place.
Would amma believe that Kellogg makes better umpa than herself! I doubt it. Now Kellogg has to slug it out with Maggi, Yuppie noodles, MTR, Bambino, and even the humble cart seller at every street corner! What a fall Kellogg!

Right advertisement at a wrong time!

 Posted on Facebook on 10th November, the day the IPL finals was played 

Right advertisement at the wrong time. It is the IPL final and Rohit Sharma the captain of Mumbai Indians is telling Shreyas Iyer who captains Delhi Capitals "Don't go by past performances (watch from 30 to 35 seconds) " and the DC's captain seems to happily agree.

The advertisement is rib ticking funny as Rohi sees,s to be telling Shreyas that he (Shreyas Iyer) should not go by the previous performance of Mumbai Indians in the 2019 IPL finals. Mumbai Indians had won the 2019 IPL trophy.

He would love to prove Rohit correct for once, ROFL!