The art of observation has taught me many
things. I got an SMS from HMRL and I was curious to know about the Suvarna
offer. HMRL uses digital technology liberally and all smart cards are linked
with the commuters’ mobile number.
Most regular commuters like me charge their cards
with recharge worth excess of a thousand rupees. Earlier a loss of a smart card
meant a loss of all the unused recharge amount. But now the minute a smart card
is lost/stolen the commuter can immediately complain at the neatest metro
station. Through an OTP driven authentication, the remaining value on the recharge
of the lost/stolen will be transferred to a new card and HMRL will only charge Rs
50/- for the purchase of a new card.
In a welcome move Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited introduced
Suvarna offer on 18th October 2021. Wanting to cash on the festival season,
picking up of the passenger traffic, improved customer sentiment and increased
footballs HMRL came out with two unique schemes under the Suvarna Offer. Under
the first scheme regular commuters can opt for “pay for 20 trips and get 30
In simple terms 20 trips for an individual trip worth Rs 55/- can be bought for Rs 1100/- but for Rs 1100/- recharge the commuter gets
30 trips. Each trip cost comes down to Rs 37/- (33% discount).
This would mean a discount of Rs 550/- for 15
days and 1100/- for a month. This is very highly appreciable in time when
energy costs are literally going through the roof. Allaying fears of a fare
rise, HMRL has infact delivered a festival bonus to the commuters making metro fares
equal to the cost of a bus travel.
But the catch is any travel irrespective of the
distance would be considered as a trip. This would be a boon for regular
travelers who travel between fixed station very day. Regular travelers can utilize the get 30 trips
for 20 offer by buying an additional card (for 50 rupees extra) and use it
exclusively for their daily fixed office trips. The existing card can be used
for unplanned trips.
So, what does HMRL get from the scheme? It generates
lots of good will which will/might lead to commuters commenting in the social media
(like I am doing), posting about it and telling their friend, relatives and acquaintances.
The almost similar pricing of metro fares and
bus fares might push the bus travelers to shift from bus travel to metro
travel. The increasing petrol and diesel prices might make more personal vehicle
users move to metro travel.
Regular travelers get a benefit of concessional
travel. Finally, the biggest take could be a massive spurt in ridership due to
cheaper fare could see increase in revenue through fares and this could lead to
HMRL getting better revenues from its advertising, rental and other related income
The only trick that HMRL is missing is a “travel
as much as you can” card. Very popular in Delhi Metro, a travel as much as
you want is a daily card that can be purchased for Rs 200/-. Commuters especially
tourist would prefer a daily fixed fare card and this could mean brisk business
on Saturdays, Sundays and on all public holidays. HMRL should definitely look
into introducing a travel as much as you can card with a day’s validity.
Under the second scheme travelers in the green
line can travel anywhere from M.G. bus stand to Jubilee Bus Stand for fares
ranging from Rs 10 to 15/-. Suvarna offers’ validity is from October 18th October, 2021
to 15th January, 2022!