Disturbing trends are being noticed in the television. Sample this advertisement. This is a advertisemen which shows a husband’s love for his wife which is measured by the type of pressure cooker that he buys for his wife ( Jo biwi se sachh much karte paar, wo kaise kare Prestige ko inkaar). A mother’s love for her child is measured by her giving permission to let her child drink a number of glasses of a particular soft drink.
Even the jingles smack of unethical standards with
Hero Honda saying – Fill it, shut it, forget it
Colgate: Chota pack – Koola Dabowoh brush pe laga woh
Cadbury – Open pop, roll and chew
Ok soap – Sachh much kafi bada hai
Amul Macho – Ye andar ki bhaat hai
Even the narrative part of TV commercials is also suspect. Check out this TV spot from Godrej for its product – bright Besto.
The commercial depicts a scene in the court. It is a trail scene with one lady saying that her washing powder is costly and buying that powder is being clever (Surf). The other lady says her washing powder is cheap and best (Nirma). A (Godrej) model enters saying her washing powder is cheap at the same time very high in quality. Here comes the crunch the judge says – Faisla aap ke haath mee- the judgment is in your hand. This coming from the judge is surprising as the judge has to deliver a judgment and can’t pass it in to others.
So how do we put an end to unethical advertising?
Make honest claims and do not mislead the consumers. Do not indulge in sales promotion for example not make exaggerated claims regarding free offers and warranty. Claims must be specific about the period of guarantee and the kind of after service offered.
Do not offend generally accepted standards of public decency.
Safeguard against the excessive promotion of products which are regarded as hazardous to society or individuals. It is not clear whether this is prevent for instance the use of advertising to inculcate the habit for eg: advertiserments of smoking among the non smokers. Observe fairness in competition between different brands of the same product or a product and its substitutes.
Unethical advertising prevention is the responsibility of the companies, the advertising agencies and the media. The consumers can also fight this menace by forming consumer groups. The most successful consumer forum in the world was set up by Ralph Nadar named “Public Citizen”. Consumerism can be defined as an organized movement of citizens and government to enhance the rights of and power of buyer in relation to the buyers.
The companies and the agencies should realize that sly headlines, over dramatization, over play of sex, exaggeration and half truths give a bad name to the field of advertising. They should remember “Bad advertising is bad business”