- Articulate the seriousness of various forms of cyber crime, both in the public mind and in the criminal law, so that the harmful impact of computer and Internet abuse is clear.
- Partner in society-wide efforts to develop a body of ethics around computer and Internet use to be incorporated into education and workplace management.
- Share information with system owners on ways to prevent cyber crime, including protection against invaders.
Increasing Resources to Fight Cyber Crime
- Assign top government priority to the prevention and prosecution of cyber crime and increase budgets devoted to the issue.
- Increase the number of graduates with expertise in computer and Internet security by developing security curriculums in universities and providing adequate budgets to fund teaching faculty.
- Upgrade skills of criminal-justice professionals by providing them with training in the detection, investigation and prosecution of cyber crime.
- Develop the knowledge base with regards to cyber crime through additional financial and human resources devoted to research in network security.
- Set up computer crime investigation squads staffed with professionals trained in investigating and tracking cyber criminals, and provide them with the advanced technology necessary to pursue their activities.
- Set up mechanisms to ensure efficient coordination, cooperation and information sharing among governments, law-enforcement agencies, and the private sector regarding attacks, threats, vulnerabilities and the development and application of solutions
Retooling the Criminal Law
- Update national and regional criminal-law regimes to include cyber crime.
- Ensure penalties available are appropriate to the crime.
- Recognize electronic information as an asset that is uniquely vulnerable.
- International Cooperation
- Develop international initiatives to trace the origins of viruses and other cyber crimes.
- Develop frameworks for allowing expeditious cross-border access to electronic data-storage banks in order to discover and secure evidence.
- Develop treaties and protocols for extradition and co-operative prosecution of perpetrators of cyber crime.
- Develop internationally accepted definitions of cyber crime and harmonize international laws.
As a conclusion it can be said that Information technology is an asset to the man kind and it is unfortunate that so many crimes are being committed with the help of this technology. It can be safely said that if all concerned that is the users, the companies and the government act in unison this sort of crime can be avoided. Cyber crime respects no borders and it is time that the world community and its leaders present a unified face and determination in solving this menace which if unchecked might endanger our planet.