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Showing posts with label Prakash Ads and Lalitha Jewellery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prakash Ads and Lalitha Jewellery. Show all posts

June 19, 2024

Copy writing Blunders - PhDs from WhatsApp University - Prakash Ads and Lalitha Jewellery

Common Sense is not common. It says "where culture and chaos coexist". Really why is it that no one found this offensive? The picture shows women celebrating the very iconic Battukamma festival the pride of Telugu pride!!!
BATTUKAMMA is culture or chaos? And who writes this type of copy? Maybe a Ph.D. from WhatsApp University with a Postdoctoral from Chat GPT!!!
Dictionary meaning of chaos "Complete confusion and disorder: a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything. For example, The loss of electricity caused chaos throughout the city. When the police arrived, the street was in total/complete/absolute chaos".
Maybe the greenhouse wannabe copywriter was trying to rhyme. Like they say in telugu, " ప్రాస కోసం పాకులాట"

Gundu sir is selling "100% No V.A Chargers". Another gem from PhD copywriters from WhatsApp University!!!