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Showing posts with label Food Porn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Porn. Show all posts

April 11, 2022

Food Porn - YouTube videos on making of Indian Street Food!

I have been watching food-based posts on YouTube with increasing perplexity. Most of the videos are not worth their time. They all lovingly linger silently, on the cooking process.

Most of the food makers work stolidly as they have been doing it for many decades. The videos are shot amateurishly and the anchors in most cases fall silent after the first minute or so.

The food preparation is presented as unhygienically as possible and the chefs simply keep throwing in ingredients and we have no clue as what they are doing. Some goo is prepared and given.

The more the ghee, butter or oil the better. Every one agrees that the food is fantastic and the video gets thousands of views. The worst offender of them all is The Food Ranger. After seeing the episode about Hyderabad Biryani and the way it was shown being prepared made me vow not to eat from shady hotels. All that The Food Ranger does, is make appreciative noises and talk in toota poota Hindi.

And he has to mouth words like fantastic, wow, authentic, the best in the world and his job is done. In the modern world every man with a cell phone thinks he is David Attenborough in disguise. Oh god save me from street food videos.


Snigdha: Truly sir, I agree and also the TV shows related to food are so irksome sir. They invite common people to prepare different recipes which are so hard just to hear the process and the ingredients and god knows how would they taste like. Some people do not sauté the ingredients well and consume them half cooked and sometimes completely raw. And I couldn’t agree more with the last paragraph sir.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Something very interesting, Zomato gave insights of what Indians are eating and ordering online - Must read for all marketers. Tuni is mentioned as the smallest emerging city and mostly cashless.

Snigdha: good evening sir, Does the red colour mean most of the deliveries are nonveg?  a very interesting insight sir

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Very nice thought process Snigdha. I have not thought that way. May be it is the colour of the curry that we are all fond of. Or red for danger. Your guess is as good as mine.