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August 27, 2010

Sales myths busted - Part - II

8. Successful salespeople use a lot of tricks and gimmicks. Tricks and gimmicks are the tools of the old style salesperson. Today's buyers are too sophisticated to put up with these tactics. Tricks and gimmicks may still be used by some salespeople in some industries but these techniques are not the skills used by today's sales professional.

9. Successful salespeople are aggressive. The best salespeople are not aggressive, by the usual definition of that word. They are self motivated and enthusiastic. The irritating pushiness that the public perceives as part of buying is the trademark of the un trained, unprofessional salesperson. Top sales people in any field are sincere, knowledgeable, considerate, helpful and empathetic.

10. Great salespeople are born, not made. Great salespeople are not born, they are trained. Desire, training, practice and experience will enable anyone to reach a successful level of sales performance.

11. Selling is something you do to people. Selling is something you do with people, not something you do to them. A sales presentation is conversational in style. It should be comfortable, not confronting. The client needs information and looks to the salesperson for guidance and advice. The salesperson is helpful and supportive as the client considers the presentation and makes a decision.

12. Selling a professional service requires a compromise in ethics. The salesperson is motivated only by a desire to satisfy their customer's needs and wants. Professionals always place their client's best interests ahead of their own. Trust is essential to a successful sales relationship and a professional never compromises his/her integrity to achieve success.

13. The public does not trust or like salespeople. People do not like or trust poorly trained, poorly informed, ineffective salespeople. They often share stories about unethical and pushy sales service, but  also praise the experience of dealing with their stock broker, real estate agent, or car dealer. They say, "He's different, you can trust him." Today's consumer wants sales service they can trust and rely on, and they will remain loyal to salespeople who provide it.

14. To be effective in sales you must adopt a new personality. Not really true. The more open the sales person is with the client, the more effective he will be. The more he shares his values, feelings and experiences with his clients the more comfortable they become.

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