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November 03, 2011

Revisiting Maslow’s theory!

A successful business man was visiting his ancestral home. On the way to the village he saw a man idling on the Charpai (A homely bed that is very popular in Indian villages). The villager was smoking a bidi (a filter less cigarette). The villager looked very dreamy.

Taking pity on the villager the businessman wanted to impress upon him the famous Maslow’s theory of motivation.

He said “Hello”

The villager looked at the businessman and nodded his head

“What have you studied?”


“Why don’t you study?”

“What will I get if I study?”

You can pass your tenth class”

“What will I get if I pass my tenth class?”

The business man was irritated but continued to answer the villager. The told the villager that he could pass intermediate (12th grade), get a degree and a post graduate degree in Management. He told him that the Post graduate degree could land him (the villager) a good job.

Business man “with that job you can earn a lot”

“After earning a lot of money what should I do?”

The Business man was getting rattled “You can earn more money”

“After earning more money what should I do?”

“You could get married to a very pretty girl”

“After marrying a very pretty girl what should I do?”

The desperate businessman babbled “You can buy a car”

“After buying a car what should I do?”

“You could buy a house”

“After buying a house what should I do?”

“You can buy a second house” shouted the exasperated businessman

“After buying a second house what should I do?”

“You idiot” roared the business man “you could buy a farm house in a village”

“After buying farm house in a village what should I do?”

“You obstinate fool” the business man was now shouting at the top of his voice “ You can have a nice farm house, you can breed cows and poultry. You can relax, sleep on a Charpai, look at the stars and enjoy your success with a smoke”

“THAT’S WHAT I AM doing right now, Why should I do all the above and take so much pain and efforts if I have to the same thing 20 years later!"

The placid villager had already reached the stage of self actualization and taught the smart aleck city bred business man a lesson that he would never forget – that some things basic in life should not be sacrificed at the altar of materialistic success. 


  1. villager teached him a lesson n a different way,gd 1.

  2. what an idea sirji...the villager was even more talented than the business men itself....nice story and evn a nice lesson....
