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April 28, 2022

Ola Scooters - Biting off more than it can chew! - The chicken have come home to roost - Bad products testing -Not learning from mistakes!

27th April 2022

Ola scooters in particular and electric scooters, in general, need to get their act together. 

Electric scooters were seen as the ultimate barrier to cross. Nonpolluting, energy-efficient, and low cost of running and maintenance were the most attractive aspects.

Of course, the starting cost (over a lakh rupees) was exorbitant, but Indians did not mind it. 

But Ola seems to have messed it up royally. First, the deliveries were late and not up to the mark. 

And to rub salt in the wound the scooter was not performing as expected. One near-fatal accident where the scooter went in reverse direction injuring the rider badly garnered very bad media attention for Ola Scooters.

What is irritating is Ola's "ostrich burying its head in the sand" attitude. It is refusing to accept the scooter's shortcomings and continues to blame the riders for improper usage.

Ola seems to be losing its enormous goodwill quickly just like the air escaping from a pricked balloon. 

And the bad news never seems to end. A customer's death caused by the electric scooter's battery explosion in Vijaywada has cast a gloom and dampened the buyers' sentiments. 

The electric scooter companies and the government regulators have to ensure the users' safety and see that more lives are not lost. 

Come on Ola get your act together. Don't blame the customer. He is always right. 

Swiggy delivery - Ambient advertising & Complementary Advertising

22nd April 

This curveball was thrown at me by my degree classmate, Rajiv Nagpal. He asked me "Advertisement with Food 🥘. What is it called ?"

I am throwing this at you? "What is it called?" Thanks, Rajiv for the curveball, query!

Of course, I answered him and we had a fun discussion!

Come on my Marketing Mavericks. Put on your thinking hats!


Good morning here is the answer to the query posted yesterday. 

Many have participated enthusiastically and given answers and explanations. 

I really appreciate their efforts. Goes to prove that "Whatsapp can be used for constructive purposes too". 😂😀

This is called Ambient Advertising. The product that we use/procure becomes the base to advertise another product. 

For example, Nirma says its washing powder works better with a videocon washing machine and wise versa. It can also be called Complementary advertising.

Wish my students were as inquisitive as you are!  


Pavani Penugonda: Direct Home marketing method-Eg Topprz

Anil Ramesh: No Pavani keep trying. I must have taught you in the marketing subject.

Pavani Penugonda: Anil Ramesh Will wait to hear the answer. I’m curious now

Anil Ramesh: All in good time. Sabar ka pal meetha hota hai!

Pavani Penugonda: Cross-selling advertising was something that came in my mind … since this is not their own service… I ruled it out

Anil Ramesh: Good one, keep trying Pavani Penugonda

Hareesh Rebelli: Flyers...

Rashmi D Rao: This may be a part of Display Advertising in combination with Guerilla Marketing that's mostly known as Food Advertising in the Food Industry. Done for attention-grabbing and some unconventional type of marketing. These days another marketing concept i.e. experimental marketing is also a trend.

Amber Jaiswal: Although it has been a long 13 years .. with far more development in marketing types and strategies, the one I recall close matching with “ this” is Affiliate Marketing To our Marketing guru for the confirmation and /or correct answer

Anil Ramesh: I have given my answer Amber Jaiswal. Check in the original post.

Karimulla Shaik: Sir, Thank you for enlightening us

Conversation with Mr.Rajiv Nagpal who posed the original question: 

Dr.M. Anil Ramesh: Incidentally what was inside, a burger is it?

Rajiv Nagpal: I will ask,  the wrapper is being served at Hyderabad today. My nephew ordered something today and got this wrapper along with his packing

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: You don't know what is inside. My guess is something oily/greasy! Definitely not a serving of carrots or fruits! Guessing from the advertisement.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Could be some sort of sweet like Gulab jamoon too!

Rajiv Nagpal: Bread and omelette from a healthy restaurant were ordered.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Surprising then this ad is inappropriate. In fact, you should complain to the bread and omlette provider. This ad is shouting "from the rooftops that the food is unhealthy"!

Rajiv Nagpal: No I will  share the site of delivery u will understand

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh: Okay.

Rajiv Nagpal: The ordering platform is Swiggy. One of the companies has evolved in mutual concurrence to attract diabetes and consciousness about healthy food.

Akshay Kumar goes back on Vimal Pan Masala ad campaign - Surrogate Advertising!

 April 21st 

Classic case of having the cake and eating it too. 

What Bloody Hypocrisy! First, the 50+ actor endorses the tobacco-based product ("I don't know that it has tobacco!?"). 

Then his fans howl in protest and to avoid the backlash pesto says that he will withdraw and will not endorse any such products in the future.

He also says that the endorsement money will be given for a "WORTHY CAUSE". 

At the bottom of the same post, it says the brand will continue to air the advertisement.

When will we realize that our reel heroes are not real heroes? They have feet of clay that will melt at the first instance.


Niketha Nigam: The product doesn't have tobacco but this brand majorly deals in pan masala products. They are just doing surrogate advertising. Casting 3 top most expensive actors for selling elaichi 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Raj Sampat: I m doing business of Vimal pan masala, first of all Vimal is not tobacco, so cut out miss confession of the product...

Anil Ramesh: Surrogate advertising Raj Sampat like Niketa Nigam said. Surrogate advertising itself is a dubious way of promoting a product.

Raj Sampat: Anil Ramesh on the packet itself they have written pan masala

Anil Ramesh: Raj Sampat, check this out.

When former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan faced flak last year for appearing in an advertisement for Pan Bahar, a mouth freshener, a spokesperson for the manufacturer argued that the outrage was the result of “public misconception” since he explained, the company didn’t “produce either gutka or pan masala.”

Ashok and Co, the company that produces Pan Bahar, does manufacture pan masala. It only doesn’t add tobacco to the sachet, because state governments started banning all food products containing tobacco after new regulations were framed in this regard in 2011.

While it is true that the actor was only endorsing a mouth freshener, the ‘misconception’, seems to be less a fault of the public and more a deliberate strategy by companies like Ashok and Co, who use tobacco-less products to market and sell tobacco products. Welcome to the world of surrogate advertisements – where the product being advertised is only a front for selling another product, usually a banned one.

Those manufacturing smokeless tobacco products have been resorting to this strategy for a long time now. So when you see Ajay Devgn promoting Vimal Pan Masala or Priyanka Chopra promoting Rajnigandha Pearls, both of which don’t have tobacco or nicotine, you must understand that they are not just selling pearls, they are selling something else too – a brand name that’s also associated with tobacco-containing products. It is a strategy used by most companies, done with the aim to sidestep laws that restrict the manufacture, sale, and advertising of these products.

In 2003, for example, the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) banned all direct or indirect advertisements of any tobacco products, except at the point of sale, storage, or manufacturing. A study conducted soon after found that the “annual cost of advertisement of plain Pan Parag on two television channels alone is 3.8 times its annual sale value.”

Were they running the company into loss then? Not really, if the tobacco-containing Pan Parag made up for the remaining expenses on advertising on Pan Parag and generated profits on top of that. “This indicates that the Pan Parag pan masala advertisements are a surrogate for the tobacco product (gutka) the company manufactures under the same brand name,” the researchers had to conclude in the study, which gave sufficient leeway to the company.

What seems to have come to the aid of manufacturers is another law that has really helped them sidestep the previously stated laws. The amended cable television network rules allow the usage of the brand name and logo of a tobacco product, subject to a few conditions, provided the product being sold does not contain tobacco. This has been used ingeniously by the manufacturers of the tobacco-containing pan masala or gutkha.

For instance, according to its own website, the pan masala Ashok and Co manufacturers went through three phases – selling pan masala without tobacco until 1988, then with tobacco, and after 2011, again without tobacco. However, the brand names for the pan masala — ‘Begum’, ‘Natkhat’, ‘Wah’, and ‘Dilruba’ — continued to be the same.

If the manufacturer could get the brand name stuck in the consumers’ minds, at a shop, they only had to choose whether the pan masala they wanted was with or without tobacco. If they chose a pan masala with tobacco, the nicotine in it would do the rest of the trick. Even if they were driven to the shop to buy a tobaccoless product, advertising tobacco at the shop itself wasn’t banned. The manufacturers had ensured that advertisements continued to reach consumers. But the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition & Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011, banned any food products containing tobacco and nicotine from markets, effectively banning even the production of tobacco-containing pan masala and gutkha. Any allegations, as the spokesperson for Ashok and Co would say, of surrogate advertisements would be meaningless if manufacturers couldn’t make the product that they are accused of surreptitiously marketing. Except, just like manufacturers found a way to work around the 2003 ban on advertisements, they have found a way to circumvent the 2011 manufacturing ban.

Only about a fortnight before Brosnan landed in the Pan Bahar controversy, the Supreme Court had revisited a submission by the health ministry that explained how the 2011 regulations were being flouted. The ministry had informed the court that “manufacturers are selling pan masala (without tobacco) with flavoured chewing tobacco in separate sachets”, which are often “sold together by the same vendors from the same premises.”

The spokesperson for Ashok & Co had told the BBC at the time of the controversy that they had chosen Brosnan because he is “suave, cool and a master-blender.” There couldn’t a better PR statement. The pan masala manufacturers’ plan of selling twin gutkha packs to be mixed as one, and advertising it through a tobaccoless product of the same brand name, requires a lot of mix-up or mixing. It is a master blender of a plan.

These surrogate advertisements too are then a health risk because every fifth adult uses smokeless tobacco in India, and perhaps more are gravitating towards it due to celebrity endorsement. A WHO monograph in fact argues that more than half of oral cancers are caused by smokeless tobacco. The clandestine production and sale of these products is something that perhaps only the government can stop – a process that for now is being gradually pushed forward through litigation and might need rules that are framed in a better manner. However, that this process does happen is something a casual visit to your local cigarette and paan shop will easily reveal.

If celebrities still endorse these products, it shows that they don’t mind being part of this cunning and dangerous trade. They can’t plead ignorance. Brosnan at least took a stand against Ashok and Co after facing criticism, but that didn’t stop the company from using the advertisement. When the Delhi government wrote to a bunch of actors that today participate in such surrogate advertising of smokeless tobacco, only Sunny Leone cared to reply and agreed to not endorse the products. For others, a little moolah is all it takes to endanger lives.

Deepesh Agarwal: I believe one can’t undermine the power of a binding contract I believe sir (the actual reason why the ad won’t be taken down). I am not sure what he was thinking “ok I’ll endorse Vimal elaichi (not a to tobacco) and the public won’t notice the pseudo marketing”? I am mean grow up Akshay as I am not sure what you were thinking that Indian citizens are so innocent that they won’t realize what you are really trying to do here? It doesn’t matter if it is elaichi and not tobacco. At the end, the true test is how the advertisement is perceived by the general public. At least Ajay Devgan (still not a great example though) endorses Vimal knowing fully well the reputational risks (a lot of memes are already there) unlike this double standard and hypocrite guy!

Brutal creativity on Twitter - Much better creative than the best creatives from national Advertising Agencies

Twitter can be brutal but harbors great creativity. Vijay Shanker became the darling of trollers after his "3D" claim by poor chief selector MSK Prasad. 

SRH fans were delighted to see his back and his recent poor form had seen him become a butt of jokes and tweets. 

And his zero against CSK resulted in a  bout of unlimited rib-tickling creativity. The best was the idea that he should become the brand Ambassador for Cadbury 5 Star "Eat Cadbury, do nothing". Great creativity guys, you made my evening.

Finding money on the Street - Plain lucky or is there a twist in the tail?

April 14th 

There are reports in the media that people are finding money thrown on the roads of Hyderabad. 

Most rush in to collect Rs 2000, Rs 500, and Rs 100/- bills. On examination, the currency proves to be worthless. They are simply a snare to pull in people. It is a marketing gimmick. 

My two-bits: 

1) Bit one, can a currency of a country even if it is not real currency be thrown on the roads so callously?   It somehow does not appear to be right. And what if there is a stampede thinking it is real money, who is responsible?

2) Bit two, what about the possibility of accidents in the melee to pick up notes? What about the traffic jams it can cause?

Appears to be a brilliant marketing coup at the first instance but shows desperateness!

April 12, 2022

"Kamma Rajyam lo Kadapa Reddlu" title changed to 'Amma Rajyam lo Kadapa Biddalu". Pulling wool over once's eyes - RGV!


"Kamma Rajyam lo Kadapa Reddlu" title changed to 'Amma Rajyam lo Kadapa Biddalu".

Ram Gopal Verma has made a fool of the censor board again.  If you notice Amma rhymes with Kamma (Only Indira Gandhi and Jayalalitha were known as ammas) and the previous TDP government was no way referred to as Amma Rajyam. And Biddalu rhymes with reddlu.

So nothing has changed 'butter will not melt in my mouth' RGV will get away with making a movie that makes fun of all the political leaders of Andhra Pradesh and get away with it saying that his film is just fiction and any resemblance to real facts, incidents, and people is A PURE COINCIDENCE.

Anyway hats off to RGV for his finesse in using the mass media to his advantage and getting enormous publicity.

The teaser viewership of the film has run into millions. Something any other director would give his right arm for. Even his interviews clock viewership close to a million.

Marketers can learn lessons of media manipulation and how to stay in lime light Way to go RGV (totally tongue in cheek).

what in a name - Everything - Finding a village with my surname - Malleboyina Pally Village


No man is an island. we are bound by our families and our family names.

With a name like Anil Ramesh, most people assure me that my family name is Anil and that my name is Ramesh. But my family name is Malleboyina.

During a visit to Kurnool, I spotted this signboard. Malleboyinapalle village. Our village from where our ancestors went all the way to Kadapa and to Rajampeta. Malleboyinapalle is 88 kilometers away from Hyderabad on the Hyderabad- Kurnool-Bangalore route. It falls under Jadcherla Mandal.

Today as we were returning from Rayalaseema University, had the fortune to visit and interact with village elders of my village. It was a memorable time and thanks to Madhusudan Kota for capturing the event for posterity. Yes, I am proud. How many of us get an opportunity to trace roots from where we originated? Truly lucky me!

top search results from

Surname                  Incidence  %    Cum %   total

Malleboyina 4007 56%  56% 7151

Malleboina 1445 20%  76%

Malliboina 641         9%  85%

Malliboyina 222         3% 88%

Malleboyana 128         2% 90%

Mailaboina 123         2% 92%

Mallaboina 70         1% 93%

Maleboina 66         1% 94%

Mallaboyana 55

Maleboyina 49

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Mailaboyina 24

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Mallaboyeena 10         98%

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Meliboyina 7

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April 11, 2022

Quit Belly aching and enjoy the times as long as they last.



Management graduates are having a good time. Excellent curriculum, Placement departments at their beck and call and organisations bending backwards to accommodate each and every whim, and fancy.

What with pick and drop, liberal breakfast, lunch, dinner and entertainment facilities, employees are spoilt for choice. And most of them even have flexible working hours, facilities to work from home and attractive ESOP options.

A series of envelope calculations have revealed some very interesting insights. I started in 1987 with a then handsome salary of 1800 rupees per month. To put things in perspective my placement was at the par of Management trainees recruited at that time, but lower than what IIMs would get at that time which was around Rs 3000/- per month.

Inflation corrected, Rs 1800 would translate to a salary of Rs 18,000/- per month in today’s terms.  Even decent B-school’s least packages that were got for their students is around 3,60,000 rupees a year or 30,000/- rupees per month which are 160% higher than what I got as a so-called good salary in 1987!

A decent salary that most normal B-school graduates expect is Rs 50,000/- which would be Rs 5,000/- in 1987, a salary that was offed to an RSM with 10-15 years of experience.

And not to forget that a normal colour TV costed Rs 10,000/- rupees, and a Maruti 800 costed Rs 70,000 in 1987. Which meant that I had to shell down 6 months’ salary to buy a colour TV and 3.5 years’ salary to buy a Maruti. And there were no easy EMI options from friendly banks and ever eager financing companies.

Compare that with a management graduate earning Rs 50,000 per month today. With that Rs 50,000 salary per month he can easily buy the best 55-inch colour TV with his first month's salary itself and he is looking at an entry-level car of Rs 4,00,000/- with 8 months’ salary. And mouth-watering options from banks and financing companies galore dime a dozen.  So quit bellyaching and enjoy your times. These times are very good, enjoy them as long as they last.


Snigdha: True sir! EMI is the best option in recent times. Although we end up paying a little additional amount, that is the flexible option. This write up reminded me of what my grandmother used to say about her era! times when a diamond-studded necklace costed Rs.350 and 300sqft land was cost Rs. 12000.

I always mock my grandmother saying you should’ve purchased tons of jewellery and lands back then! We could’ve been millionaires by now.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: That is precisely the point. Even though the land was available at Rs 12,000/-, 300 square yards, money was in short supply. Buying the same land for 50 lakhs now is easier than at Rs 12,000 rupees then.

M. Anil Ramesh.: In EMI you end up paying not a little more, much much more. For example, if you take a housing loan for 10 lakhs. You end up paying almost that much amount as interest over a 15 year period.

Snigdha: yes sir, what would be the suitable option if not EMI?

Dr.M. Anil Ramesh.: No I was only impressing upon you that EMI is not a little extra, it is a lot extra.

Snigdha: yes sir

Pavani Penukonda: You know how to pull people towards your post🙂

Rashmi D Rao: Pavani Penugonda I agree with what you said. Anil Ramesh sir just knows the trick.

Anil Ramesh: Thanks Pavani Penugonda for the lovely Comment. I am still learning. Write and rewrite and edit many times. Take time on selecting a nice crisp picture. Try to add a snappy title. And share it and wait with bated breath for comments. When someone comments, suddenly it is worth the effort. Thanks a lot. And how is the little one? Are you visiting India in the near future?

Pavani Penugonda: Little one is great she is 10 months and already keeping us busy running. Yes I am planning sometime soon. Waiting on Interview dates to book my flight

Rashmi D Rao: Well written piece Anil Ramesh Sir. The title and image are just perfect.

Anil Ramesh: Thanks Rashmi D Rao, image selected itself based on the title. Belly aching is a very US-based analogy.

Alamuri Suryanarayana: Near Oxymoron???

Anil Ramesh: Wish you have commented on the post rather than on "the near future". Anyhow in my view near future is not an oxymoron. The future could be quite far away and the near future is something closer Alamuri Suryanarayana.

Surrogate Advertising - Ajay Devgn - Vimal Pan Masala.



Ajay Devgn and other film stars agreed are smart but many times try to be over smart. Is Ajay Devgn telling us that he is not aware of the concept called surrogate advertising? Surrogate advertising is promoting an innocuous product but actually pitching for a product that can't be advertised through mass media vehicles like TV, radio, and print advertising.

And like butter does melt in my mouth he says if the company is also selling other (tobacco) related products, I don't know what to do about it. Come on Ajay Devgn you are not a child. If you really Care, quit promoting Vimal Pan Masala. But for god's sake don't get so righteous. It does not suit your fraternity. We all know 'that it is all about money, honey

Food Porn - YouTube videos on making of Indian Street Food!

I have been watching food-based posts on YouTube with increasing perplexity. Most of the videos are not worth their time. They all lovingly linger silently, on the cooking process.

Most of the food makers work stolidly as they have been doing it for many decades. The videos are shot amateurishly and the anchors in most cases fall silent after the first minute or so.

The food preparation is presented as unhygienically as possible and the chefs simply keep throwing in ingredients and we have no clue as what they are doing. Some goo is prepared and given.

The more the ghee, butter or oil the better. Every one agrees that the food is fantastic and the video gets thousands of views. The worst offender of them all is The Food Ranger. After seeing the episode about Hyderabad Biryani and the way it was shown being prepared made me vow not to eat from shady hotels. All that The Food Ranger does, is make appreciative noises and talk in toota poota Hindi.

And he has to mouth words like fantastic, wow, authentic, the best in the world and his job is done. In the modern world every man with a cell phone thinks he is David Attenborough in disguise. Oh god save me from street food videos.


Snigdha: Truly sir, I agree and also the TV shows related to food are so irksome sir. They invite common people to prepare different recipes which are so hard just to hear the process and the ingredients and god knows how would they taste like. Some people do not sauté the ingredients well and consume them half cooked and sometimes completely raw. And I couldn’t agree more with the last paragraph sir.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Something very interesting, Zomato gave insights of what Indians are eating and ordering online - Must read for all marketers. Tuni is mentioned as the smallest emerging city and mostly cashless.

Snigdha: good evening sir, Does the red colour mean most of the deliveries are nonveg?  a very interesting insight sir

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Very nice thought process Snigdha. I have not thought that way. May be it is the colour of the curry that we are all fond of. Or red for danger. Your guess is as good as mine.

Kent Ro Tv Ad - Hema Malini - Common sense is not common

April 10th, 2019

This is the height of narcissism and fooling oneself. Hemamalini aged 71 acts as a mother to a Kid aged around 6 to 7 years old in an advertisement. Height of ridiculousness. Agreed that Hemamalini is a celebrity but should an advertising agency stoop to that level that their advertising campaign becomes a laughing stock?


Siddharth Sai: Heroes of that age still act as bachelors in movie

Shakuntala Kuchibhotla: I agree.

Rohini Pisupati: Exactly my thoughts...neither the actor nor the company thought of their own credibility before doing this...laughing stock, yes of course!

Jyothi Potluri: Where in the advertisement does the young girl indicate Hemamalini is her mom??? All the young girl said was - “my mom says...” and there are 4 other kids in the same room. It is all in ones’ imagination I suppose and in my imagination, the beautiful lady who walks in at the end can be a nanny to all those kids 😜 or grandma who is babysitting

Vijay Singh: Jyothi Potluri yes correct.

Anil Ramesh: Sure, that is the beauty of the advertisement, you can Interpret it the way you want. You interpreted it as a grandmother, but as there is no empirical proof one way or the other I interpreted it the other way and assumed her to be a mother. Like they say, Jo, to every man and woman as they feel and like.

Rajkumar Selvaraj: Actually my wife pointed it out to fact, I too gave the same interpretation that Jyothi Potluri has given. 

Anil Ramesh: Good for you Rajkumar Selvaraj

Rajkumar Selvaraj: Anil, they heard you. Kent does not show the kid for the past few days!

Voter Apathy in Elections - 2019


The same trend continues Hyderabad 40%, Secunderabad 39%, Malkajgiri 36% votes polled.

A clear indication that the old city voters are totally disillusioned with the partisan tactics of the AIMIM but at the same time shows that the other parties too, did not make any special efforts to make the general voters to come out and vote. It looks like all political parties seem to be ignoring the old city and its voters.

On average 2 out of 3 urban voters did not exercise their fundamental right - they did not vote.

What it means is out of 33% of votes polled, if a candidate gets half the votes, he or she would be declared the winner in the "first past the post" rule of Indian democracy.

Sadly, it means that our elected MP has the mandate of only 16.5% of the total voters. The silent majority has won the war! The urban voters so very angry and indignant on social media especially on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WhatsApp have remained paper tigers.

Only wish that they had come out and voted and showed their alacrity the same way they forward inane messages, videos, and images.

But alas they remained in their houses, had nice meals (courtesy Swiggy, what else) and watched mind-numbing TV serials like God of Thrones and movies, and wiled away their time on social media and watching Live TV from the comforts of their Air conditioned drawing rooms.

And all of us complain about the type of governance and the type of MPs and MLAs. We get the government we deserve!!

Bata "Surprisingly Bata' - Totally Baffling

Taken from my WhatsApp post 

21/03/19, 10:06 pm - Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.:

Common sense is not common. The latest campaign by Bata "Surprisingly Bata' leaves me baffled. What is Bata thinking about? Yes, the shoe range is trendy but why is ‘Bata itself getting surprised?’. It is a tacit admission that is an old, stiff upper lip and not happening brand.  This is quite perplexing. For a brand that many generations swear, this is a big let-down. Come on Bata wake up!

Snigdha: good evening sir! It’s been ages since I purchased Bata shoes. I don’t think my parents are likely to purchase Bata shoes anymore. I think the company has reached the dog stage in the BCG matrix.

Dr. M. Anil Ramesh.: Bata is still known for its quality and very durable hush puppies range.

Snigdha: yes sir! the material is very durable. But I was never a fan of the design part sir. I feel like they’re old school type 😁