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May 25, 2010

Cheating an Ultimate way of fooling oneself (Part 2)

Students face severe pressure and their performance and results dictate their jobs and settlement in life. Thus it is not surprising that they indulge in various forms of cheating.  Some of the many of the examples of students cheating are

• Students taking additional sheets in the examinations for the single purpose of making the answer book bulky. It has been noticed that the students write only around 8 lines amounting to sometimes to 50 words in a page. Lots of blank space and sheets are also left unwritten.

• Now a days telerphonic interviews have become common place. Telephonic interviews are very popular  among the US employees. It has been noticed that many of the students indulge in subterfuge that is the student that is being interviewed is not the same as the student who applied for the job. In many cases it is the faculty member of the institute who takes the interview.

• Many of the applicants who apply for H1B apply with fake credentials. This has become such a rampant practice that students of some universities are viewed suspiciously by the embassy officials of many countries.

• There has been cases of students trying to tamper with the OMR (optical magnetic recorder) answer sheet that is used in many competitive examinations. There is a recorded instance of a student who darkened all the holes and got 100/100. If only had he got darkened 90/100 he would have succeeded in his attempt.

• Java was only introduced in the year 1995 . In 1996 a young Indian immigrant in USA had applied for a JAVA job and mentioned 5 years of JAVA experience. The HR head (incidentally another Indian) wryly commented “maybe he is referring to his JAVA (Motorcycle riding) experience!”

Computer institutes: The cases of computer institutes cheating are dime a dozen. The carrot of part time placements, final placement, live projects, spurious discounts, fake scholarships, and of the ultimate lure “Job in the US of A” are dangled to snare the students into the institute. Infact there were so many institutes in Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India that it was called United States of Ameerpet.

Cheating in Politics: The politicians have evolved cheating into a very fine tuned art. Booth capturing, rigging and impersonation have become common place occurrences. In this context it is interesting to note what a senior leader like Ajit Panja of Trinomol Congress has said about the Electronic Voting Machine.

Mr.Panja had remarked that when using the machine the voter should first press the first green button on the EVM. The sound of the beep means the machine in working condition and later the voter can press the button of his choice. What he had in his mind was very dubious in nature. It goes without saying that the first button of the EVM in that particular election had the TC symbol and the minute that green button is pressed the vote is cast. It is not known as to how many voters were taken in by this blatant attempt to deceive.

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