Then why did Cipla to sell its successful and the only
OTC brand in its portfolio? Industry experts believe that the government's ban
on airing the television commercials of I-pill, due to its irresponsible
advertising and may be fears of brand
image dilution and fear of unwanted controversies were the prime reasons for this decision.
There could also an underlying fear that the emergency
contraceptive pill category may not remain within the OTC segment for long and
may be included under the less-lucrative prescription drug category.
There are three other companies — Mankind Pharma, Morepen
Labs and Paras Pharma with similar branded products in the market. With rising
competition, Cipla did not want to spend money on nurturing the brand further. Acquiring
a premium brand such as I-pill for Rs 95 crore was a good deal for Piramal
Healthcare, which has proven expertise in managing OTC brands.

strip looks and works in a similar fashion as a pregnancy strip. The test is
non-invasive and allows the woman to the plan the time of intercourse during
this pre-determined fertile phase and increase chances of conception.
The test, which is now available for sale
at all leading chemists in India, can be conducted in the privacy of home. The
company is counting on this kit to provide a convenient option to helps women
target those two days to enhance her chances of motherhood.
This is where the marketing concept comes
in. The I-pill was all about social stigma and about avoiding unwanted pregnancies and accidents
as they were popularly called. Piramal might have got worried about the negative
publicity that it is getting. So i-sure
is a dramatic ploy of moving from negative connotation to positive - from pregnancy
avoidance to pregnancy planning.
The marketing gurus have realized that
there is more money to be made in planning pregnancies than in avoiding them.
It would be interesting to take statistics of sales of both the products and
compare the same. Would the sales of I-pill be more or sales of I-sure would be
more? Mark my words the sales of I-pill
would be much more than I-sure!
Check out the packages of both the products. They are exactly similar. Classic case of surrogate advertising. Not so welcome addition to the field of advertising. Surrogate advertising and medical field. God Forbid.
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